INTELLIMAG pro-tile 4.0 it is the last version of the innovative system to manage the movimentation and tracking of ceramic finish goods (including now semi-finished and big slabs), from the end of the production lines, store, picking and re-packaging, up to the shipment to final customers .
The system mounts on each forklifts a real time locating system (RTLS), new 4.0 sensors for the auto-identification of the products and a graphic on-board Navigator 3D (FGS) for the assisted guide of the warehouse’s movement operations indoor / outdoor, avoiding human errors and enabling total tracking of the pallet and forklifts movimentation.
With the innovative job scheduler “Regia Attiva“, the forklifts are automatically guided 24×365 by the system, it organizes the job of each resource by a new concept of flows (with the same same logics of an automatic warehouse), re-calulating every few seconds the missions of any forklift, using a total paperless 3D Navigation system .
The innovative “Picking Bay” automatically organized by a “goods to man” system, dinamically schedules all customer’s preparations and guides the picking/mix/repackaging operations of small size tiles and big slabs (manual or robotized, on boxes or slabs stands).
The introduction of the INTELLIMAG pro-tile system reduces the logistic costs (number of forklifts, worked hours, planning effort, number of movimentation and shipping errors) from 30% to 50% , compared to a traditional WMS (Warehouse Management System).
INTELLIMAG pro-tile 4.0 is an innovative system for the warehouse’s movimentation and tracking, integrates a powerful WMS and SCHEDULING system and has been already chosen by the most important national and international companies/groups of the ceramic sector.
CER il giornale della Ceramica – May/June 2018 – Year XLV N.369
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