Legal notices
This website (hereinafter the Website) is made by INFOLOG SPA and managed by INFOLOG SPA, located in Modena (Mo), Via Pier Paolo Pasolini n.23 (below INFOLOG SPA).
These Legal Notices are intended for users of site. Please carefully read these Legal notices before visiting the site and get the related services, following the procedure contained in the website.
INFOLOG SPA owns all intellectual property rights and / or patent related to this Site. The contents (texts, images, videos, etc.) are protected by Law. 633/41 Law on Copyright (hereinafter LdA here). The reproduction – even partial – of the contents of the Site for any use it si forbidden, unless expressly authorized. If expressly authorized, the copy of the content of the Site, on any media, can be done exclusively for personal use and for no profit purposes, without any direct or indirect commercial intent, respecting the technological protection measures.
Modification, copy, reproduction, distribution, communication, licensing, publishing of the information contained in the website is strictly forbidden. Any violations will be prosecuted under the enforced law.
The use of this Website is at your own risk, except when expressly required by the enforced law. Therefore, INFOLOG SPA, cannot under any circumstances, except malice or gross negligence, be liable for direct or indirect damages, arising from the use or from the impossibility to use the Website, because of suspension or interruption of the service. INFOLOG SPA does not guarantee the correctness, completeness and / or updating of the information contained in the Website – including those relating to products – although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the Website. INFOLOG SPA cannot guarantee that the website is not affected by bugs , viruses or errors that may in any way harm your computer.
While using the Website non-personal information might be collected (for example, the type of browser used to visit the Website). When you visit the Website cookies could be used on your computer. The cookie does not allow personal identification, allowing only to record in anonymous way the data related to the website browsing originated by your computer. Your computer allows you to block cookies, although this could result in an incorrect display of some pages.
Under normal conditions, the computer systems and software procedures used to manage this Website acquire automatically some personal data, that anyway are implicitly transmitted through the Internet communication protocols.
This data by its nature, through processing and association with data held by third parties, could permit the identification of users / visitors (eg. IP address, domain names of computers used by users / visitors connecting to the site, etc.).
These data are used only to obtain statistical anonymous information and to check the correct functioning of the Website. These data, immediately after processing, are deleted. The web contacts data are not stored for more than seven days except for any need of checking computer crimes against the site. No data from the web service will be communicated or disclosed, except to fulfill the obligations required by enforced laws.
There might be links to websites controlled by third parties. The publication of these connections / links on the Website does not imply any approval or any endorsement of the content of these websites by INFOLOG SPA. related sites and their content. INFOLOG SPA is not responsible in any way for the content of these websites, declining any liability for direct or indirect damages arising from the consultation of the services accessed through these links.
The images published on made by INFOLOG SPA are property of INFOLOG SPA, che si riserva tutti i diritti di utilizzo. which reserves all rights of use. INFOLOG indicate to all website users to refer, and respect, the rules of Creative Commons. The owners of a part of images are third parties who make them available on public sites, subjecting them to various limits. In any case, if you still finds violations of Copyright, please let us know immediately writing a message to (if you are the owners of the image please specify if you want to be removed from the website of if you want to know the source of the image, or any other information).